EPIA town hall meeting Thursday, special speaker!

EPIA town hall meeting special speaker:

An Update on the Development Threat to Rio de Los Angeles State Park (Taylor Yards)

Founder and Director of The River Project, Melanie Winter, will speak about the status of the threat to Rio de Los Angeles State Park (aka Taylor Yards) at our regularly scheduled town hall meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm.

The original plan was to expand the existing Rio de Los Angeles State Park to the area directly alongside the Los Angeles River. But developers are interested in building an industrial complex on the Taylor Yard, thus threatening the expansion of the State Park.

We’ll also update everyone on neighborhood projects like community clean ups, tree plantings, beautification projects, city related issues, and more. All are welcome! Bring yourself, your neighbors, your input, and join us at Barlow Hospital, located at 2000 Stadium Way, in Williams Hall.