Results of December Bird Count at Echo Park Lake

On Sunday, December 29, 2013, bird lovers met up at newly renovated Echo Park Lake for the Annual Christmas Bird Count. Judith Raskin led the small group, and with binoculars in hand they recorded a total of 28 species and 735 individuals.

Here are the results of the Echo Park Lake bird count:

4    American wigeon
22    Mallard
27    Ring-necked duck
1    Lesser scaup
3    Bufflehead
43    Ruddy Duck
20    Pied-billed grebe
2    Great blue heron
4    Great egret
5    Snowy egret
5    Green heron
268    American coot
166    Rock pigeon
2    Mourning dove
10    Yellow-chevroned parakeet
2    Anna’s hummingbird
2    Allen’s hummingbird
2    Acorn woodpecker
8    Black phoebe
1    Western scrub-jay
17    American crow
30    Bushtit
2    Northern mockingbird
37    European starling
6    Yellow-rumped warbler
35    Brewer’s blackbird
2    Great-tailed grackle
9    House sparrow