Volunteer for the 2016 Los Angeles Homeless Count

The Los Angeles Homeless Count in Echo Park takes place on the night of January 28, 2016. The Homeless Count is a 3-day, on the ground, county-wide census of its neediest stakeholders. This timely data drives federal funding assistance and provides valuable information to City and County legislators to help allocate local funding assistance.

Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell’s District Office will serve as a volunteer deployment site. Residents are advised that LAHSA will be aided by thousands of volunteers across the City, who will be walking or driving in groups to take the census block by block.

As coordinators of this important event, the EPIA urges you to participate! Volunteers can register for the 2016 Homeless Count at www.TheyCountWillYou.org. Questions or concerns can be directed to Jonathan Hans at LAHSA at jhans@lahsa.org.