
Next EPIA meeting: Updates on the SR2 Terminus Freeway project

Our next EPIA town hall meeting on Thursday, April 5 will feature a representative from Metro (MTA) to update everyone on the status of the SR2 Terminus Freeway project.

50 years ago, residents kept the freeway from expanding through Echo Park. Now that there are more and more cars on the road, the city is hoping to improve traffic flow on the increasingly congested 2 Freeway as it transitions into Glendale Boulevard. However, residents and governing bodies haven’t always agreed on the direction of the project, and the Metro has adopted plans despite resident input and concerns. At the next meeting, we’ll have an opportunity to get updates and ask questions on the project.

This is an important opportunity to learn more about the project. Bring your neighbors, friends, and roommates to the meeting on Thursday, April 5 at 7:00 pm, in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital.

Neighborhood Issues Committee agenda for Wednesday, September 21

Neighborhood Issues Committee Agenda
Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 7 pm
Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way

Members:  Andrew Garsten, Darren Hubert, Peter Lassen, Kelly Erickson, Todd Walker, Isa Kae Meksin, Christine Peters, Judy Raskin, Michael O’Brien, Noel Rogers, Josh Post

  1. Introductions and sign in
  2. Approve Minutes (download minutes here)
  3. Schools:
    1. Van De Kamps/LACC-LACCD
    2. New Items
  4. Land Use:
    1. Barlow Hospital-Proposed Entitlements and Development
    2. Morton Village complex
    3. Filming Committee
    4. Bertco Property
    5. Montana/Glendale/Lakeshore Restaurant
    6. Fix Beer & Wine
    7. Community Plan Update Letter
    8. SB1818 Letter
    9. Sale of Lot 6 – El Centro del Pueblo
    10. EPIA Planning Workshop
    11. Xoia CUB
    12. Red Hill CUP
    13. Semi Tropical Spiritualist Tract Monitoring Status
    14. 153 North Glendale Blvd., 45-unit Affordable Housing Project
    15. Lot adjacent to Laguna Stairs
    16. Save-A-Lot Vacancy
    17. Glendale Boulevard Beautification/Renewal Project
    18. Mohawk Bend – valet not parking at car wash, using residential streets
    19. Gas Station at Sunset & Portia in poor condition
    20. “No Left Turn” needed at Alvarado N. onto Elsinor W.
    21. New Business
  5. Parks:
    1. Echo Park Lake Restoration Project
    2. Elysian Park: Hi Speed Rail Alternative route may go under Elysian Park.
    3. New business
  6. Public Works:
  7. Route 2 Terminus Improvement Project
    1. Mural Projects-EPIA Committee?
    2. Dodgers issues
    3. Mission Hills Animal Shelter situation
    4. New Business
  8. Policies, Procedures, & Administrative
  9. Standing Rules, Membership Dues.
  10. Friends of Elysian
  11. New Business
  12. NIC as Outreach Tool – Should we have meetings at other locations?
  13. Newsletter/Web Page
  14. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
  15. Future Agendas Items
  16. Next Meeting Standing
  17. Adjourn

Coming up: EPIA Spring social and fundraiser

join the


for a social event at Taix Restaurant in the Champagne Room

THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2011 at 7:00 pm

Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, and a RAFFLE while learning about neighborhood issues from Echo Park leaders, neighbors and activists.

We have had many Echo Park businesses donate to the raffle, so you can expect really great prizes!

No RSVP required. Contact us if you’d like to donate to the raffle, or if you have any questions. Spanish-language versions of the flyer are also available.

EPIA town hall meeting tonight!

Our monthly town hall style meetings are a place where everyone can join in on discussions regarding community issues. We have representatives from Council Districts 1 and 13 to discuss issues and provide updates, as well as updates from representatives of both the Rampart and Northeast Divisions of the LAPD.

Bring your neighbors and join us Thursday, February 3, 2011 at Barlow Hospital in Williams Hall at 7:00 pm.

See you there!

Sunset Flats developer at tonight’s Neighborhood Issues meeting

Please come and learn about this controversial proposed project at the site of the old community garden. This may be our last opportunity to provide input.

Neighborhood Issues Committee Minutes
Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 7 pm
Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way

Members: Andrew Garsten , Kelly Smith, Darren Hubert, Peter Lassen, Todd Walker, Isa Kae Meksin, Judy Raskin, Malcolm Schenot, Christine Peters, Steven Arthur

  1. Introductions and sign in
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Schools:
    1. Van De Kamps/LACC-LACCD (Garsten)
    2. CRES #14
    3. New Items
  4. Land Use:
    1. Barlow Hospital-Proposed Entitlements and Development (Garsten)
    2. Jenson’s Sign Update (Schenot)
    3. Morton Village complex  (Garsten)
    4. Filming Committee (Garsten)
    5. News Stands (Lassen)
    6. 6 New SRF on Rosebud Ave. (Peters)  Motion to remove from agenda
    7. Sunset Community Garden Mixed Use Project (Peters)
    8. Bertco Property (Hubert)
    9. Montana/Glendale/Lakeshore Restaurant (Lassen)
    10. Landa SRF (Hubert)
    11. AYC CUB Letter (Garsten) Motion to Remove from agenda
    12. Rock & Roll Half Marathon (Garsten)
    13. New Business:
  5. Parks:
    1. Echo Park Lake

i.      Restoration Project DEIR Sub-committee (Raskin)

    1. Elysian Park (Peters)

i.       Hi Speed Rail Alternative route may go under Elysian Park.  (Peters)

    1. New business
  1. Public Works:
    1. Route 2 Terminus Improvement Project (Lassen, Raskin)
    2. Mural Projects-EPIA Committee? (Telallah, Lassen)
    3. Walkable Streets-Streetscape and pedestrian amenities Working Group (Meksin)
    4. Dodgers traffic issues (Hubert)
    5. Scott and Glendale sewer repairs (Hubert)
    6. “Taco truck” ordinance (Peters, Schenot)
    7. Temple/Patton Pedestrian Safety (Fernandez)
    8. New Business.
  2. Policies, Procedures, & Administrative

i.      Standing Rules, Membership Dues. (Hubert)

ii.      New Business

  1. Newsletter/Web Page (Hubert, Smith)
  2. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items.
  3. Future Agendas Items
  4. Next Meeting
  5. Adjourn

Echo Park Improvement Association

Thursday’s EPIA Meeting: Community Potluck!

Holiday Potluck!
Thursday, December 2, 2010, 7:00 pm
Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way

Click here to download a printable version of the flyer.